Repairs & Relines

We offer fast denture repairs, whether it’s a crack, break or missing tooth. A repair can often be done within an hour or two and you are most welcome to wait in our clinic while it is being done.

When teeth are missing it is normal for the shape of the gums and the bone supporting the teeth to gradually change over time and this can cause dentures to become loose. Relining your denture will provide a better fit to your gums.

In a reline, new material is added to the surface of the denture where it contacts the gum.

It is recommended that your denture is relined every 2 years.

We offer same day relines and will need your denture early in the morning and you can generally get it back mid afternoon. This means you will be without your teeth for that time (if you don’t have a spare pare). You are most welcome to remain at our Clinic waiting room during this time if needed.

Ultrasonic Cleaning
We also offer a cleaning service for dentures that are looking a little worse for wear (like the image above). We’ll soak your dentures in a special solution in an ultrasonic cleaning machine to dislodge build up. We’ll require them for approximately an hour and you are welcome to wait at the Clinic during that time.

Contact us below for any enquiries on Denture Repairs!